Currently, Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with iPod Integration Kits (option code 057) and the media interface in newer Mercedes-BEnz vehicles (option code 518) use the iPod / iPhone 30-Pin connector that Apple has been using for years now.
With the release of the new iPhone 5 it’s clear that a new charger / adapter plug will have to be installed in existing Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The Press Release below from Mercedes-Benz spells out the current plans for a solution to Apple’s change in plug size from the 30 pin connector to the new 8 pin ‘Lighting’ connector.
It seems like folks with newer cars, 2010 and newer for most models, with the media interface cables that plug in inside the glove box will have the easiest solution. Once Mercedes-Benz releases the new cables, they will be able to buy these new cables, unplug the old ones and plug in new 8 pin Lighting connectors.
Those customers who have the older, 2008 and 2009 models in most cases, or older cars that were retrofitted with iPod Kits that are hard wired right into what had been the standard auxiliary jack may have a bigger challenge. I would guess there are already small adapters on the market to take a 30 pin connector to the new 8 pin… but I have yet to see one myself.
See the full memo from Mercedes-Benz below, including their timeline for release of the new 8 Pin Apple charger / connector cable for Mercedes-Benz vehicles.
With the recent launch of the iPhone5®, Apple made some significant changes to the connector. Whereas the previous generations of iPhone® and iPod® models were equipped with a 30-PIN connector, the all new iPhone® and iPod® variants require an 8-PIN “Lightning” connector.
These changes will have a significant impact for customers with the Apple products, as all vehicles equipped with Media Interface (option code 518), iPod Integration Kits (option code 057), and vehicles with Nav + 4 / UMI (option code 001 or 079) only have the standard 30-PIN connector.
As soon as the 8-PIN “Lightning” connector is released by Apple, a careful investigation will commence. All features of Media Interface, iPod Integration Kits, and Nav + 4 / UMI will be tested in accordance with stringent Mercedes-Benz standards to provide our customers a detailed answer as to whether the adapter can be used and what features are compatible. Once testing has been concluded MBUSA will issue an official statement at the end of October / early November.
In the meantime we are working on developing new 8-PIN “Lightning” Media Interface cables, which will replace the existing 30-PIN connectors if the customer has ownership of the new Apple product. These cables are expected to be introduced in the first quarter of 2013 as a customer-pay option.
I just purchased a CLS 550 and the connecter is incompatable with my iPhone 5. I understand that Mercedes has an adaptor for the iPhone 5. How can I obtain it?
Can you also tell me how to purchase the new ipod/iphone 5 plug? I just bought a 2012 350 glk.