Join the Mercedes Benz Club Twin Cities “Convoy to the InterMarque Spring Kick Off Car Show” in Osseo, MN…
This Saturday, May 12!
THE EVENT: One of the largest foreign car shows in the upper Midwest. A casual, easy, no pressure, event. From show cars to old drivers… bring a pre 1991 ‘Classic’ or a post 1991 ‘Modern Classic’ all foreign cars are welcome.
ADMISSION: FREE! But… the show organizers encourage a canned food donation as you pull in to show your car, pack a can of something, let’s help the local food shelf.
THE PLAN: If we arrive together, we’ll show our cars together as a big Mercedes Club group. Meet up with other Mercedes Club members to convoy to the show together.
MEET: Sears Imports in Minnetonka at 8:00am – 8:15, in the lot just WEST of the main Sears lot, near the big digital billboard. 13500 Wayzata Blvd in Minnetonka, Northwest corner of the intersection of I-394 and Plymouth Rd / Ridgedale Drive, across I-394 from Target Ridgedale.
DEPART: We’ll leave Sears about 8:30am to convoy North to downtown Osseo, MN. We will take Plymouth Rd / Xenium Lane all the way, about 20 – 25 minutes on leisurely back roads
Car placement begins at 9:00, show goes from 10:00am until 3:00pm, stay for an hour or stay all day, leave when you want.
CONTACT: Please RSVP to Dave Tobin via phone or email ASAP. (651) 216-1265 or dave(at)daveknowscars.com
The Twin Cities Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America one of the InterMarque Show Sponsors this year.
There are already 12 Mercedes Club member cars in the convoy… come join us!