Hybrids and electric cars seem to be what people are talking about these days around the automotive world. I’m still partial to the already established, simple effectiveness of just getting better gas mileage from internal combustion engines myself, especially the efficiency of the newest and cleanest diesel engines. I mean, look at the Mercedes-Benz E class diesel, customers tell me they get up to 38 – 40 mpg on the highway, and a Volkswagen Jetta diesel will get more than that… and those are full sized cars.
This is a news story from Connecticut, while it hasn’t been confirmed, chances are this couples brand new Chevy Volt caused the garage fire in the home they’ve lived in for almost 40 years. This Volt is apparently one of the first in the state, it was charging at the time of the blaze. Thankfully, nobody was hurt and the home avoided major damage thanks to the fire crews that arrived quickly after the 911 call early in the morning.
Story courtesy of Eye witness News 3 in Connecticut: Click this link to go to the ‘LIVE’ Eye Witness 3 news story